For those parents and youngsters that choose to Trick or Treat door-to-door in the city’s neighborhoods, the official hours have been set for 6 pm to 8 pm. The Jamestown Police Department will be providing additional patrols of neighborhood streets throughout the evening.
The Jamestown Police Department offers the following tips to help parents ensure their children enjoy a safe Halloween:
- Children should wear light colored, flame-retardant, short costumes to avoid tripping and falling.
- Add reflective tape to the costume to enhance safety.
- Carry a flashlight so you can see and be seen.
- Use make-up instead of masks, which can be hot, uncomfortable and obstruct a child’s vision.
- Children should Trick or Treat in groups, accompanied by an adult, and should only Trick or Treat within their neighborhoods and visit homes with outside lights on.
- Give and accept wrapped candy and instruct children not to eat any treats until they get home. Examine all candy before allowing children to eat it.
- Keep costumed children away from pets. The pet may not recognize the child and become frightened.
- Avoid hard plastic or wood props such as daggers or swords. Substitute with foam rubber that is soft and flexible.
- Watch for traffic.
All citizens are encouraged to be especially aware and alert of activity in their neighborhoods on Halloween night, and notify the Jamestown Police Department of any potentially dangerous or criminal activity.
For those who have concerns regarding sex offenders, the national registry may be located at