On which side of the street should I be parked?
From April 1st to September 30th, follow Monthly Alternate Parking rules: Park on the odd-numbered side during odd-numbered months and on the even-numbered side during even-numbered months. From October 1st to March 31st, adhere to Daily Alternate Parking rules: Park on the odd-numbered side on odd-numbered days and on the even-numbered side on even-numbered days.
How do I dispute a parking ticket?
To contest a parking ticket, write your explanation on the back of the ticket and submit it to the City Court or the Parking Violations Bureau’s customer service window on the 1st floor of City Hall within 72 hours of receiving the ticket.
How do I access the Sex Offender Registry?
Access the Sex Offender Registry by visiting the Department of Criminal Justice or call (900) 288-3838 to inquire whether a specific individual is listed in the registry.
How do I file a report?
For serious crimes such as domestic violence, significant physical assault, or car accidents involving property damage exceeding $1,000, contact the Police Receptionist at (716) 483-7536, option “0”, to have an officer record the report. For emergencies, dial 911.
Who should I call regarding dead animals?
Contact Sanitation at (716) 661-1651 to report dead animals.
When is the Dog Control Officer available?
The Dog Control Officer is available from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M., Monday through Friday.
How do I start a neighborhood watch group in my neighborhood?
Gather interested neighbors willing to improve the neighborhood’s safety. Organize a meeting, then contact an officer at info@jpdny.com to arrange attendance, complete registration forms, and receive guidance on achieving the group’s objectives.
How do I apply for a job with the department?
To apply for a position as a Police Officer, candidates must be certified by the New York State Bureau for Municipal Police and have at least 60 college credit hours. They must also pass the civil service police officer exam, agility tests, physical and psychological examinations, and oral boards. Contact the County of Chautauqua Department of Human Resources at (716) 753-4237 for applications and testing dates.
How do I file a complaint against an officer?
Formal complaints must be filed in person with a supervisor at the Police Department (201 East Second Street). The department is open 24/7, and a supervisor is always available. Informal complaints can be made over the phone by contacting the Command Duty Officer at (716) 483-7537.