The City Summer Bandshell Performance series will feature the Jamestown Municipal Band as directed by Rick Lundquist at 7pm, Wednesday, June 28th. The free concert series is held at the Goranson Bandshell in Allen Park.
Additional performances will be held at 7:00 p.m. as follows:
Wednesday, June 21st Pearl City Jazz Band, sponsored by The Chautauqua Center
Wednesday, July 5th Jamestown Municipal Band – Patriotic Music to honor and celebrate America!
Wednesday, July 12th Jamestown Municipal Band – Scandinavian/Italian Music – with a special tribute to former director, Frank Giunta, made possible by private individual donations
Wednesday, July 19th Jamestown Municipal Band – Children’s concert – led by Assistant director, Alicia Laska
Wednesday, July 26th Jamestown Municipal Band – Decades – a sampling of tunes from the 40’s and up!
Wednesday, August 2nd Jamestown Municipal Band – Broadway/Hollywood – classic and contemporary hits from stage and screen!
Wednesday, August 9th Jamestown Municipal Band – Director’s Choice – An eclectic mix of favorites chosen by the directors!
Musical events have been held annually in Allen Park since the 1950’s.
In addition to funding provided annually by the City of Jamestown, these performances are made available free to the public through the support of the following: UPMC Chautauqua, The Resource Center, The Chautauqua Center, private individual donations to honor Frank Giunta, the Allen Park Women’s Club, and the City of Jamestown.
As in previous years, members of the Allen Park Women’s Club will continue in their tradition of providing coffee, fudge and other baked goods during all of the concerts.