A ceremonial document is a proclamation, letter, or certificate designed to congratulate, honor, or recognize a resident or organization.
Criteria for Ceremonial Documents:
Ceremonial documents are exclusively reserved for individuals, places, or events that significantly contribute to the economic, social, and/or cultural vitality of the City of Jamestown.
Ceremonial Documents will not be issued if:
- The request promotes campaigns, events, or ideological and political beliefs that contradict the policies or laws of the City of Jamestown.
- The request is for commercial or for-profit purposes.
- The request conflicts with federally recognized months, weeks, or days of observance.
- The request takes a stance on international disputes or expresses subjective ideological statements.
- The request pertains to an event that is anticipated but not yet confirmed.
- The request is made on behalf of individuals or groups with no proven affiliation to the requester.
- The request seeks to replace a damaged or missing document from a previous administration.
- The request is related to marital anniversaries.
Types of Documents:
A proclamation is an official document issued on special stationery for the following occasions:
- Civic Celebrations
- Fund-Raisers benefiting the Citizens of Jamestown
- Organizations and Individuals who have made a significant contribution to society
- Retirements
- Significant Birthdays (starting at 50th Birthdays and subsequent years)
- Significant Clergy & House of Worship Anniversaries (5 years, 10 years, 15 years, etc.)
- Significant Events or Anniversaries of major Jamestown-based Institutions & Companies
Typically, a proclamation ranges from 250 to 300 words in length. Proclamation titles generally exclude nicknames.
Letter of Welcome:
A letter of welcome is a document provided by the City of Jamestown. Once complete, it will be emailed or mailed to you. You may request a letter of welcome for the following occasions:
- Conferences
- Conventions
- Seminars
- Class Reunions for schools and institutions located in Jamestown, or for reunions held in Jamestown
- Family Reunions (please note: we do not provide welcome bags or gifts)
Required Information: You should provide the title or reason for your event, the date, a brief history of the organization or information about the person, and any other pertinent information you feel is significant. Proclamation titles typically exclude nicknames.
Letter of Congratulation or Celebration:
A letter of congratulation or celebration is a document on City of Jamestown letterhead. Once complete, it will be mailed or emailed to you. You may request a letter of congratulation or celebration for the following occasions:
- Professional Celebrations
- Religious Anniversaries & Celebrations
- Significant Birthdays or Anniversaries
- Eagle Scout Award
- Girl Scout Gold Award
- Grand Openings
- Book Releases
- Religious Installations
- Citizenship
Required Information: You should provide the title or reason for your event, the date, a brief history of the organization or information about the person, and any other pertinent information you feel is significant.
A certificate is a document on special stationery issued for the following reasons:
- Honorary Citizenship: Foreign Dignitaries, Prominent Individuals, Entertainers, or Artists
- Appreciation: Outstanding contributions to the City & Citizens of Jamestown
- Heroism
- Congratulatory: Graduation, Accomplishment/Achievements
Required Information: To request a certificate, please provide a brief summary about the individual to be honored and their accomplishments. Include highlights of their involvement in the community, the date of recognition, and type of event planned.
Request Information:
The Mayor’s Office reserves the right to decline any proclamation/certificate request, as well as the right to make exceptions to any established guidelines.
Please send all requests to:
Office of the Mayor
Municipal Building
200 East Third Street – 4th Floor
Jamestown, NY 14701
Phone: (716) 483-7600
Email: mayor@jamestownny.gov