(Updates Pending)
Code Enforcement:
- Each year, approximately 2,000 housing units are cited for code violations.
- Additionally, the city conducts 10,000-12,000 housing inspections annually, followed by court appearances for units that remain in violation.
- A yearly “Housing Sweep” entails door-to-door housing inspections.
- Furthermore, “Courtesy Code Compliance Inspections” are conducted for property owners, financial institutions, etc.
- Finally, housing code violations are identified and addressed on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis through the “Neighborhood Impact Program.”
Target & Non-Target Area Incentive Programs:
Since 1976, the city has implemented 42 housing rehabilitation programs aimed at stabilizing declining or transitional neighborhoods. These initiatives have led to the improvement of over 5,400 housing units, utilizing $10.1 million in state and federal assistance. Importantly, these efforts have also leveraged $9.6 million in private sector funds, resulting in a total investment exceeding $19.7 million.
Current targeted area programs include:
- Winsor-Second Rehabilitation Program
- Falconer-Second-Crescent Rehabilitation Program
- Chadakoin West Rehabilitation Program
- Downtown Rental Rehabilitation Program
- Chandler/Appleyard Rehabilitation Program
Furthermore, non-targeted area programs encompass:
- Citywide Rental Rehabilitation Program
- Citywide Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program
Residential Homesteading Program:
The program offers 100% grants of up to $25,000 per unit to eligible first-time homebuyers. Properties for this program are acquired by JURA from a list auctioned by Chautauqua County following foreclosure due to delinquent taxes. Participants undergo an extensive interview and screening process for selection. Final buyers are chosen through a lottery system.
Emergency Repair Program:
The program offers 100% grants to low and moderate-income senior citizens (aged 62 and older) and single-head of household owner occupants for emergency home repairs.
Community Policing Program:
JURA collaborated with the Jamestown Police Department to hire two community policing officers. Their role is to enhance crime awareness and prevention efforts within designated CDBG-targeted low and moderate-income neighborhoods.
Enhanced Neighborhood Street Lighting Program:
JURA has joined forces with the Jamestown Police Department, Jamestown Board of Public Utilities, and the Jamestown Department of Public Works to identify locations where additional street lighting would notably enhance public safety and contribute to ongoing neighborhood revitalization efforts. Subsequently, JURA allocates CDBG funds to procure and install the new lighting fixtures.
For Additional Information, Please Contact:
Crystal Surdyk
Director of Development
Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency
Municipal Building
200 East Third Street – 4th Floor
Jamestown, NY 14701
Phone: (716) 483-7541
Fax: (716) 483-7772
Email: surdyk@jamestownny.gov