The Demolition Process:
The City of Jamestown, through the Department of Development (DOD), removes condemned and deteriorated structures only as a last resort, after all efforts have been made to work with the property owner through the code enforcement process. In some cases, the owner has abandoned the property, but responsibility remains with them. If a court order for demolition is issued and carried out, the costs will be billed to the owner. If payment is not received, the city may recover costs through legal action, including liens and judgments.
The demolition process is carefully structured and follows all necessary legal and environmental guidelines. Once a court order is granted in housing court and the owner has been properly served, a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey is conducted by a certified environmental company. If asbestos is detected, a bid package for abatement is prepared and sent to certified contractors. A third-party monitor is then hired to oversee the abatement process. Once completed, a clean letter certifying compliance with state regulations is issued, and the city proceeds with securing bids for demolition from qualified contractors.
Demolition Funding:
Funding for demolitions in the City of Jamestown comes from multiple sources, including:
✔ General Fund Budget – Allocated by the City Council, often used for emergency demolitions due to fires or structural collapses.
✔ County Partnerships – The Chautauqua County Land Bank (CCLB) collaborates with the city to remove unsafe structures, with funding support from various programs.
✔ Grant Funding – Additional funding sources may become available through specific initiatives aimed at addressing hazardous properties.
By following this process, the city ensures that necessary demolitions are conducted efficiently and in accordance with legal and environmental standards.