The City of Jamestown is set to receive $28,079,145.00 in funding from the federal government through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Below, you will find details regarding the City’s Recovery Funds Master Plan and other pertinent documents related to the funding.
Help Links:
Review the City’s progress in spending the American Rescue Plan funds provided by the City Comptroller’s Office. This report consists of multiple pages. (Updated: October 16th, 2023)
ARPA Tracking 10.16Department of Development ARPA Programs Reports:
Review the JLDC’s progress in spending American Rescue Plan funds. This report consists of multiple pages. (Updated: February 23rd, 2023)
AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN MASTER FUNDING LOGQuarterly Reports on ARPA Programs Administered by the Department of Development:
DOD ARPA Report Q1 (Updated: February 6, 2023 Q1)