The City of Jamestown, through the City Assessor’s office, has announced that applications for Senior Citizen Home Improvement Incentive (SCHII) grant program will open tomorrow, Friday, July 15th and close Monday, August 15th.
The purpose of the Senior Citizen Home Improvement Incentive (SCHII) grant program is to provide financial assistance to eligible senior home owner occupants with home repairs. These repairs are intended for making necessary improvements and to bring the home up to proper housing standards as defined by the current New York State and City of Jamestown Building Code.
Eligible applicants may receive a cash rebate up to $10,000 on various home improvement and renovation. Homeowners who currently receive, or would qualify for, the Aged Exemption (own and live in their home for more than 1 year AND have total household income of less than $22,000) are eligible to apply for a dollar-for-dollar rebate for up to $10,000 in documented repairs or improvements.
Homeowners who currently receive, or would qualify for, the Enhanced Exemption or Check Program (own and live in their home AND your adjusted gross household income is less than or equal to $92,000) are eligible for a 90% rebate for up to $10,000 in documented repairs or improvements.
The City will work with the homeowner and contractor to pay the contractor directly after work has been completed on the project, with work subject to inspection. If a 10% match is required, the match can be used as a deposit for the contractor.
Letters from the Mayor’s Office were sent out to every eligible household (over 1,400 homes). All applications complete with all required documentation shall be submitted online at, emailing to, or by mailing to the Assessor’s Office located at 200 E Third Street on the 1st Floor.