A complete draft of the Jamestown Police Reform Task Force’s Draft Plan for public comment has been posted to the project webpage and is available for public review and comment. The period for public comment ends on March 12th at 5 PM, so the Task Force may make changes before submitting to the City Council in late March.
Comments may be made via email to reform@jamestownny.gov. A public presentation of the document for the full City Council and Public will be held via Zoom on March 22nd at 6 PM and will be broadcast on the City’s website, social media, and Youtube pages. The Plan will then be submitted to the Council for a vote at the March 29th voting session.
The Draft Plan has information on the police department, crime statistics, a summary of feedback received by the community through the stakeholder meetings the task force held over the past few months, and goals and objectives for the Jamestown Police Department to reach in the short, medium, and long term.
Note that this a draft and the Task Force will take into account all public comments and are still putting the finishing touches on what the final document will look like.