Mayor Eddie Sundquist, Edward Dudenhoeffer, Police Officer Tim Mason, Police Chief Tim Jacks
City Recognizes Resident Who Prevented Theft and Damage of BPU Equipment
The City of Jamestown is recognizing a local resident who stopped a burglary that would have resulted in the theft and damage of thousands of dollars of City equipment.
Jamestown Police reported that Edward Dudenhoeffer of Eagle Street was returning to his worksite on Allen Street when he noticed warehouse doors open to storage space used by the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities. The warehouse houses several BPU trucks which are outfitted with thousands of dollars of equipment. Mr. Dudenhoeffer located the suspect who appeared to be taking equipment from the trucks, called Police, and kept the suspect at the site until officers arrived.
Jamestown Police Chief Tim Jackson, “Mr. Dudenhoeffer’s observant attitude and instinct helped prevent a theft and also assisted the Police Department in bringing the suspect to justice. Jamestown Police extends its gratitude to Edward Dudenhoeffer for his actions and we’re proud to present him a certificate of appreciation.”
Mayor Eddie Sundquist, “I’m proud to join the Jamestown Police Department in recognizing Mr. Dudenhoeffer for his service in preventing this robbery. Mr. Dudenhoeffer not only helped protect city property but also saved taxpayers the potential loss of thousands of dollars in city-owned equipment.”
BPU General Manager Dave Leathers, “If not for Mr. Dudenhoeffer’s efforts, we could have had a situation where our BPU trucks sustained thousands of dollars in damage due to the robbery. Thanks to him, this did not happen and we are very grateful for his outstanding response as well as the excellent supporting contributions from the Jamestown Police Department.”
Jamestown Police and the Mayor have each presented Mr. Dudenhoeffer with certificates of appreciation in recognition of his actions.